Wonderful families waiting, assistance with living expenses, housing, and other services
Welcome to AdoptHelp!
Celebrating 20 Years of Building Families Through Adoption
Get Started On Your Adoption PlanWant to Adopt?
Full Service Adoption Program
Our expert advisors will assist you with every step of the adoption process
AdoptHelp Commitment
One Of The Nation’s Premier Independent Adoption Centers Specializing In Newborn Baby Adoptions
Whether you are pregnant and searching for the perfect family for your baby, or a prospective adoptive parent hoping to adopt a newborn baby, our team of innovative adoption professionals is here to help you create a personalized adoption plan that is right for you.
Our Domestic Infant Adoption Program
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering placing your baby for adoption, or are a hopeful adoptive parent considering domestic infant adoption, AdoptHelp is ready to assist with the professionalism and compassion that each participant in the adoption process deserves. Our experienced adoption professionals will walk you through every step of the adoption process, work with you to create a personalized adoption plan based on what is important to you, and then handle all the details of your custom adoption plan.
Pregnant & Considering Adoption?
We represent wonderful, pre-screened, hopeful adoptive families who would be honored to be considered by you to adopt your baby. You will make all of the decisions and we will do everything possible to help your chosen path be as smooth and rewarding as possible. In most cases, we can provide birth mothers with financial assistance for living expenses, housing, counseling costs, obtaining medical coverage, and other pregnancy-related expenses. If you are pregnant, need help, and are considering placing your baby for adoption, our caring and compassionate staff are available to assist birth mothers nationwide with 24/7, confidential support.
Looking To Adopt A Newborn?
For couples and singles who would love to adopt a newborn, AdoptHelp is a fully inclusive full-service adoption program welcoming everyone who wants to become parents through adoption. Unlike most adoption law firms, AdoptHelp employs an interdisciplinary approach, integrating licensed adoption agencies, AdoptHelp attorneys, and social workers nationwide into a unified team. This team handles every aspect of your adoption journey from finding, screening, and matching you with birth parents interested in placing their child for adoption, to performing all casework and legal work through court finalization. AdoptHelp does not charge any matching fees and uses the services of its neutral non-profit provider adoption agencies to ensure full compliance with California’s new laws governing birth parent matching as well the laws of other states that regulate adoption facilitation. Our unique interdisciplinary approach ensures that you have an advocate attorney guiding and protecting you throughout the adoption process while birth parents receive independent counseling and matching advocates from licensed adoption agencies and independent legal counsel to ensure that all adoptions through our program are voluntary, informed, ethical, and legal in all 50 states.
AdoptHelp Statistics for 2024
Clients Who Entered Program:
Adoption Finalizations:
Sending and Receiving States:
Our Program for Birth Parents
We represent pre-screened adoptive families from every background, each with a unique story who would love to adopt and are hoping to be selected. Because we are an independent adoption program, you place your baby directly with the family you choose and have complete control over your adoption plan. In most cases, we can provide birth mothers with financial assistance, housing, transportation, access to pre-natal care, counseling, legal representation, and many other services. You make the plan, you choose the family, and we take care of all of the details.
Request A PacketHear from Birth Mothers
Mandy S. - Birth Mother
Amber J. - Birth Mother
Jessica M. - Birth Mother
Maxine - Birth Mother
- Birth Mother
- Birth Mother
- Birth Mother
- Birth Mother
- Birth Mother
- Birth Mother
Our Program for Adoptive Parents
As a full-service independent adoption program, we work with you from the earliest stages of exploring adoption, to finalizing your adoption in state court. We customize each case to fit our client’s needs.
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