We will never forget the day we became parents through AdoptHelp, because it was a day we had waited for so long. We were hesitant to try a domestic adoption, so we waited for over 2 years to hear the news from another country. Finally, we found AdoptHelp, through their website. We immediately knew they were the right choice for us. Just 6 months after completing our Dear Birth Mother brochures, we got a call telling us we had been chosen by a birth mother who had given birth to a healthy baby boy! We needed to immediately go to the hospital! We were at the hospital and holding our baby for the first time by that afternoon. The next day we brought our son David home with us. We had our friends and family waiting at the door with gifts and supplies so that we could stay home and enjoy our new family. It was definately one of the best days of our lives and a moment we will never forget. We are forever grateful to God, AdoptHelp and David’s birth mother for making our family possible.