After many years trying to have a biological child, we decided to focus on adoption and immediately found AdoptHelp. Within two months of the completion of our home study, we were chosen by a birthmother. Although she ultimately decided to parent her child, we felt confident, despite our disappointment, that the right situation would eventually come along… we just didn’t realize how soon! Six weeks later we received a call: a baby girl had just been born in Connecticut. How quickly could we get on a plane to meet her? By sunrise the next morning, we were holding baby Sarah in our arms and we were happier than we’d ever been. Sarah’s birthmother came to visit our room and we spent several warm hours together over the next two days. By the time we left the hospital, the whole staff seemed to know our story, and we received baby gifts not only from our nurses, but from total strangers in the maternity ward! Beautiful baby Sarah has brightened our lives unimaginably. We are forever grateful to everyone that has helped make our family possible.